What Not to Put down Your Drain: 6 Common Items to Avoid when Renting


No matter if you are renting a new construction home or an old historic home, there are a few items that should never been put down the drain. We've come up with a list of six common items that sometimes end up clogging your drain but definitely could have been avoided. 

  1. Grease - Quite the culprit! Post-cooking that delicious meal, the grease at the bottom of your pan gels together creating a butter-like consistency that creates a dam down your pipes. Instead of pouring that grease down your sink, try using a tin can to hold the liquid grease until it congeals. Then, throw it right in the trash! Simple and easy fix. 
  2. Food - One of the most common causes of clogged pipes comes from bits of food being washed down the kitchen sink. Avoid this by disposing of leftover food directly into the trash or get a sink stopper from your local hardware store to ensure your pipes continue to flow smoothly. 
  3. Hair - No one likes to see a build up of slimy, wet hair in the shower. Be sure to clean the drain monthly to keep it free flowing each shower. 
  4. Cue Tips - When flushed down the toilet, cue tips group together creating a web right in the middle of your pipes causing a back-up. Try keeping a small garbage can in the bathroom to easily dispose of these rather than just tossing them down the toilet. 
  5. Paper Towels - Stick to toilet paper only - paper towels are for the trash!
  6. Toys - Toys? Yes, toys. Any plumber will tell you that it's not uncommon to find a children's toy as the answer to what is clogging that toilet. So, be sure to keep those miniature cars and superhero figurines away from the toilet. 

And, if all else fails, Drain-O! Before spending money on a plumber, try using good ol' Drain-O to take care of that clog. After all, no one likes spending money on things that could have been avoided with a just a few simple tricks. 

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